Open: 7AM-5:30PM on School Days – Grant Pricing Available For Qualifying Children Ages 3, 4, and 5
List telephone numbers below where parents or guardians my be reached while the child will be in care.
Use the link below to download our Medical Verification form which needs to be brought in.
Rooted Life Montessori does NOT allow any forms of electronics on the campus for the children enrolled: iPad, tablets, phones, cameras, gaming devices, or basically anything that accepts batteries or an electrical power supply.
1st offense: the device will be taken from the child and returned at the end of the day. (Parent will receive notification of the event, but the teacher will allow the child to remedy the situation)
2nd offense: the device will be taken from the child and must be retrieved by the parent.
3rd offense: the child will be excused from class immediately to be picked up by the parent. The child will not be able to return for 7 days (a tuition refund will not be allowed).
If the parent is unable to retrieve the child, the child will be released to an authorized adult on the child’s Authorization For Release Form.
Texas Administrative Code, title 40, Chapters 746 and 747, Subchapters L, Discipline and Guidance
If you wish to go back and review any of your information, you may do so now. If all of your information is correct, you may submit the form now.
Rooted Life Montessori Therapy Center Mission Statement to you
RLM will provide authentic Montessori education to diverse academic learners and:
We will provide:
We expect: