Rooted Life Montessori is an AMS Pathway School and an Academic Therapy Center.  We are trained in the 5 tenants of an authentic Montessori education in addition to advanced academic, behavior and cognitive therapies.  Our goal upon enrollment is to pinpoint, prepare and provide any core or additional services if necessary to bridge the discouraged or differentiated learner toward success in our classrooms.  Our enrollment process and resolve to place your child in the ideal classroom for their learning ability allows each child to enter the classroom with or without supports for success in the acquisition of:  self-directed learning, compassionate communication, emotional regulation, environmental order, and refinement of attention and concentration.  These core skills set the framework for confidence, courage, and capability to excel in life and school.

Thank you for considering Rooted Life Montessori for your child’s educational therapy.


Our team at Rooted Life Montessori wants to make learning about our Montessori program easier than ever. Our simple 5 step enrollment process puts you in control of your child’s future.

Step 1 contact us to arrange a tour

Families are invited to tour the school to: see the indoor and outdoor prepared environment, meet the teacher, learn about the philosophy, and resolve the most important questions specific to your child’s individualized education.  This also allows you to observe how your child responds to the prepared environment and their future teacher.

Step 2 submit your child’s online form

Based on space availability, we accept enrollments throughout the year for immediate or future enrollment. Your child’s physical, emotional, and spiritual development from birth to age 5 is unmatched in scope and significance for their cumulative life duration; detailed developmental, social-emotional, and academic history provides invaluable insight. Please set aside 30 minutes to fill out the questionnaire below thoughtfully.

Step 3 please submit your child’s non refundable registration/materials fee to secure your child’s spot in class.

Step 4 submit all remaining paperwork including medical authorization, vaccine/vaccine exemption form, medical release.

Step 5 Recommended For All Children - Schedule your child’s physiological assessment.

Required for children experiencing developmental delay and/or enrolling in the adaptive behavior classroom.

Our team at RLM recommends an assessment for all children but does not require an assessment unless your child is experiencing developmental delays and/or is enrolling in the adaptive behavior classroom.

Our team at RLM collaborates with the following practitioners to provide the highest level of pediatric assessment. We are convinced that guiding you as a family toward early identification and remediation of the 4 red flags (Coordination, Language, Attention or Perception) is our gift to you. Please schedule the following 3 required exams. If necessary, these professionals will advise you on the next step in intervention.  These coordinated services are critical to identifying and remediating these areas of physiological development that could potentially be affecting your child’s early childhood development and learning.

  1. Three successive appointments at Windsong Therapy and Wellness
  2. One audiology evaluation for your child at
    1. UNT Hearing and Speech Center or
    2. Heard it Through The Grapevine Audiology
  3. One Pediatric Neuro-Vision exam for your child at
    1. Southwest Family Eye Specialists or
    2. Neuro Eye Team


At Rooted Life Montessori School and Academic Therapy Center we tailor each classroom to provide the academic, motor, and social emotional tools needed for your child’s success.  Steeped in 150 years of research and science, we are confident that a Montessori education will provide your child with opportunity of great return.  Our teachers and therapists stand ready to meet and expand your child’s individualized academic journey. 


Including medical, behavioral, educational history, medical consent forms, emergency contacts, etc.?

Equal Expectations Policy

Rooted Life Montessori Therapy Center Mission Statement to you

RLM will provide authentic Montessori education to diverse academic learners and:

  • nurture the whole child,
  • support the innate desire to learn with guidance and inspiration
  • foster self-confidence, motivation and critical thinking
  • teach responsibility and social skills, focusing on grace and courtesy
  • instill leadership and respect for self/others in a well-prepared environment
  • accommodate the learning different child within their ability


We will provide:

  • individualized academic instruction for your child based on Montessori philosophy and curriculum
  • individualized behavior redirection based on Montessori philosophy utilizing pivotal praise, external and internal motivators
  • 2 in person parent-teacher conferences yearly (fall and spring)
  • a mid-term update via Montessori Compass (winter)
  • additional referrals or recommendations if we observe academic or behavior remediation is advised
  • a low student-teacher ratio


We expect:

  • Participation in parent-education seminars, emails, online forums and other methods of educating you about Montessori
  • Time spent learning about Montessori Compass and the materials your child is using.
  • Timely payments